


Insights on Ai


Since the beginning of this year, whether it's Twitter or other platforms, the hottest topic has been AI. It seems that if you don't understand how to use AI, you won't be able to adapt to this rapidly developing world. I don't deny the value of AI just because my industry doesn't urgently need this technology. I'm not an illustrator, a programmer, or a high-level white-collar worker who needs ChatGPT to help me with my work every day. My attitude towards AI can only be "just for fun". Now let's analyze my understanding of AI.

What is AI#

Literally, Artificial Intelligence. The first time I heard about this concept was in the movie "Robot Butler". The household robot purchased by the protagonist's family is a machine with certain functionality and interactivity. It can help with many things, and in the movie, "it" developed "human emotions" from long-term interaction with humans. From the current stage of AI, it seems that AI is in a rapid evolution. They can learn and imitate certain ways of human thinking, but it is still unlikely to achieve a complete understanding. Why is it unlikely? Because humans themselves haven't fully understood themselves, it is also difficult to fully understand something else with similar development potential. Therefore, there are differences among some of the world's smartest minds on the topic of "whether AI research should continue". We can see things with our eyes and perceive things with our hands, but it is difficult to understand them with our brains.

What can AI do now#

Many people have high expectations for the generative ability of AI, hoping that they can rescue us from tedious work. From what I have seen recently, they have already achieved this to a large extent, and the level of completion is also very high. Take my recent encounters as an example:

Development of AI painting#

The most discussed AI painting software on Twitter is Midjourney and Stable Diffusion, combined with various motion model software, they can generate a wide variety of images, and the precision and richness of the paintings are increasing day by day. This part is a crazy thing for some people, but for ordinary people, they may not have much interest because not everyone has the need for painting and creation. This can be considered as a certain degree of advanced development.

ChatGPT general model#

When it first came out, I registered an account, and verifying the phone number was quite a hassle. Soon after, with the rise of buying and selling accounts and the third-party business, many people started to engage in "reselling information asymmetry" and "purchasing on behalf of others". Those who started early should have made a lot of money. Leaving that aside, the usefulness of ChatGPT is not just about being able to chat with you. It is not only smarter than Siri, but it is also really good at writing short essays. After the widespread application of ChatGPT's API, many apps have integrated powerful information processing capabilities. My phone's Siri has become smarter. I have a limited understanding of ChatGPT because my needs are not many. The advent of the AI era did not have the same drastic impact as the popularization of smartphones. Although the Internet has greatly reduced the threshold for acquiring knowledge, it has become more difficult to discern the value of knowledge. It's a step back, so everyone feels that there hasn't been much change.

Call Annie#

This app is a derivative AI language learning application that can chat with you, and it is very comprehensive. Many people can chat with her all day long. When AI first became popular, many people set their sights on language learning, and the emergence of AI did indeed meet some needs. Isn't it extremely efficient to have a tireless partner with a high level of conversation skills to chat with you? From what I know, many paid learning software have added AI functions, and they are all quite expensive. I have also used Myshell's online platform, where the AI voice uses the voice of Black Widow, and it sounds quite sexy.

Other software applications#

It is said that Google is also developing its own AI model, and Adobe is also planning to add AI modules to its own software, making it easy for users to perform advanced techniques that require time to learn. There are also various small applications, such as the Xlog platform, which has the function of automatically generating summaries using AI. I am really looking forward to what advanced applications will be available in the future.

Recently, the company required us to make videos, write script copies, create PPTs, and do editing, which is really troublesome. Although I don't know why a construction company needs to learn these things, I still have to find a way to deal with it. Finally, I found a few interesting tools.


It can directly generate PPTs in Markdown format and Word standard mode (and two other formats), and it can also change templates and layouts with one click. It is of great help for the repetitive parts of making PPTs, and I have recommended it to my colleagues.

Yizhuan Miaochuang (One Frame Second Creation)#

An online platform for AI copywriting, editing, subtitles, and dubbing. This is a very good platform for people who don't want to spend time learning editing. Moreover, its AI dubbing already sounds very natural. The development of technology is really fast. Speaking of dubbing, it is said that there is already an "intelligent application that only needs to record one sentence and can speak out all other texts with the original voice". It is really developing rapidly.

Attitude towards AI#

When a new technology emerges, it is necessary to pay attention to it, but it is also fine not to pay attention. Technology is updated every day in this world, but it doesn't mean that humans cannot live well without it. Human needs should be defined by themselves. Relying on being led by the nose will never lead to peace and happiness. The world is already anxious enough, so AI should not come and cause more trouble.

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