


Others are 25 years old and I am 26 years old.

Other People's 25#

I don't know where this style of writing comes from. I see a lot of "When I was 25, I discovered XX" type of text. When it comes to this kind of writing, I have to persuade myself to read it patiently. This is especially true for minority articles. I don't know if it's because the target audience is a group of "kids under 25" in college, or because the writers themselves are only 25 and don't have much material to work with. They can only rely on their own experience as a 25-year-old to introduce their transformation.

Of course, I don't oppose the idea that everyone has a moment of enlightenment or awakening at different stages of life. Being 25 is definitely an important time period, especially when transitioning from college to work. Changes are happening every moment, and being 25 may be more significant. However, this kind of talk about how being 25 changes one's attitude towards life and makes them carefree and easygoing makes me doubt its authenticity. Is it just a fabrication to attract readers' admiration? If it's the latter, it's really unpleasant. I can't relate at all to what they're talking about when it comes to my own experience at 25.

Our Changes and Life#

Life is constantly changing, and molecules are constantly in motion. Everyone has the right to change, and how to change is not something that can be judged by others. Whether it's self-pity or talking to oneself, if it's something that appears attractive but is actually empty, it will only disappoint people. I also understand that my view is somewhat dogmatic, and my attitude of disregarding things that don't fit my existing impressions is quite arrogant. For example, when it comes to the impression of a "writer," only those at the level of literary masters can be called "writers." I can't accept using "writer" or "teacher" to define those who write 100,000+ blog posts as self-media. But I love this kind of arrogance. It's much better than being someone without any thoughts. The construction of beliefs comes from biases towards the world. What's wrong with biases? I don't hinder others, I don't advocate for a utopian world, I am the world.

My 26, I'm Lost#

Recently, I've been busy with work, and my reading time has become less and less. Socializing has taken up more and more of my time, both effective and ineffective socializing. I was also unexpectedly scammed by a friend, which deepened my disappointment in others. People's hearts are inscrutable, the world is unfair, and people's intentions are treacherous, my family.

I am jealous and even angry at others who can write articles that are like video scripts. Why can others make money by typing on a keyboard while I can only curse at people? I can also create a persona, I can also arrange my own personal journey, I can also be loyal and patriotic, so why can't I earn this kind of money? Let me lament for a moment, it's really difficult to earn money by working for others. Accompanying the boss for drinks, chatting with colleagues, and spinning in circles with the team, that's work. It's a waste of energy, questioning where the so-called time has gone, a pile of sealed emotions that I don't want to open. Damn it, can this also be called "life"?

I don't know why, but recently I've been quite fond of a Twitter user who loves to criticize friendly forces. Among the many bloggers I like who consistently criticize China, she is someone who can provide opposing opinions. She always manages to wake me up from the sorrow of seeing my country and nation deteriorate. She makes me question myself: What am I? Do I have enough savings? Have I found a beautiful girlfriend? Every time, it's a soul-piercing experience. Damn it, it's like being addicted to drugs, unable to break free.

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